Student Patient Registration (page 1 of 2)

Please fill in your details and click Next when complete. * = compulsory

Please only complete this registration form once. If you have previously submitted this form
at any time please do not do so again unless advised by the Students’ Health Service to do so.
Please do not use this form to update your address or other details.

Please note - You must be an active registered Bristol University Student to register with this service.
Please tick this box to confirm that you are an active registered student of Bristol University:
7 numbers student ID
Department where you will study at university
Study course at university
  Year due to finish course
* Title:
Would you prefer your Title to appear as Mx,
instead of the title you have selected above?
Please enter your single first name
Please enter any middle name(s)
Please enter the name you want to be called
 Please enter any previous surname, for example maiden name
If you don't know your 10 digit NHS number it's very important that you fill in part 1 and 2 below
* Select your new Bristol address from the lists below
 if you are staying in Halls:
Halls  of residence: Select your halls from this list. Disregard if you are in other accommodation
Enter your room or flat number
* or: Type in your Bristol address below if you are
not staying in Halls:
Your address if you are not in university accommodation. NOT your old home address
Enter your own telephone number. Preferably your mobile number
Your personal e-mail address. A confirmation will be sent to this address.
University e-mail address.
We find that SMS/text messaging and e-mail are often the most efficient methods of contacting patients about routine matters.
E.g. to remind you of an appointment. We may also use text messaging to send test results.

Is it OK to contact you by SMS/text for test results?    Is it OK for us to contact you by e-mail?   
Please help us trace your medical records by selecting if you are a UK or International
student (Part 1) and then filling in the next section (Part 2)
* Part 1. Select if you are from UK or abroad:
* Signature:
Please draw your unique signature in the box
I understand that following completion of my studies at
Bristol University I will be removed from your list of
patients unless I advise you that I am remaining resident
in your practice area and wish to continue my registration.
Please read our Privacy Notice.
The information you are submitting will be sent encrypted to the medical practice over the Internet, which still isn't 100% secure.
If you are worried about this you can instead obtain a form from the medical practice that can be filled in and delivered by hand.
© Campus|Doctor by Visual Productions Ltd